September 10, 2024

Become a Member

Adult Membership

To be eligible for membership in the Dames of the Court of Honor, a woman must be no less than 16 years of age and of lineal descent from a commissioned officer who served in one or more of the American wars, during the years 1607 through 1865 or from a Colonial Governor who served in the Colonial Period,1607 to 1775.

** Invitations to join are issued by State Societies.

Junior Membership

A Junior member is a woman between the ages of sixteen (16) and thirty-five (35). They are the life-blood of our society without their numbers increasing each year, the society will soon decrease in membership. For that reason, a Junior is a most welcome addition to any State Society and is encouraged to accept offices and chairmanships whenever possible, with the understanding that school, work and family responsibilities sometimes limit the time available to participate. A Junior member is entitled to the same privileges afforded a non-junior member.

A Junior member may serve as a Page. The responsibilities of Pages may include assisting with various duties during the National Conference, among which could be assisting the National and State officers, passing out materials or leading the processionals and recessionals. The friendships she acquires during these conferences can last a lifetime and provide treasured memories.

Since the National Conferences are held in different locations throughout the country each fall, it provides opportunities for a Junior member to participate. Some of the recent Conferences were held in Phoenix, AZ, Raleigh, NC, Birmingham, AL, and Irvine, CA. Ample time is allowed at each conference for sightseeing tours of interesting locations in the area.

A woman is eligible for membership in The National Society of the Dames of the Court of Honor who is not less than sixteen (16) years of age, of good moral character and reputation, and who is of lineal descent from a commissioned officer who:

1) served in one or more of the American wars during the years 1607 through 1865
2) or from a Colonial Governor who served in the Colonial Period 1607 to 1775.

The periods of the early wars are:

Colonial Wars1607-1775
American Revolution1775-1783
War of 18121784-1815
Mexican War1845-1848
War Between the States1861-1865

USA States with DCH Societies


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