October 15, 2024

Brenda M. Hamilton

President General




“No person was ever honored for what he received. Honor has been the reward for what he gave.”

Calvin Coolidge


“Be devoted to one another in love.
Honor one another above yourselves.”

Romans 12:10


The National Society of the Dames of the Court of Honor is an organization of women not less than sixteen (16) years of age who can trace direct lineal descent from a Commissioned Officer of any one or more of the earlier American Wars between the years 1607 through 1865 or from a Colonial Governor, during the period 1607-1775.

The Motto of the Society is: “Noblesse Oblige”, translates; “Rank carries obligation”, and signifies that each member is to carry a high standard of living, loyalty to our country and Honor among women, especially for those with whom we are banded together.
The objectives of the Society are:

  • to elevate the standard of HONOR among women;
  • to perpetuate, Honor and revere the memory of our ancestors whose lives to an eminent degree exemplify this trait
  • to establish and perpetuate a fraternity among women who are lineal descendants of valiant officers of one or more of the earlier American wars, by banding ourselves together as loyal and patriotic citizens of the United States of America.

We are encouraged to:

  • aid in the education of the youth of our Country;
  • continue the tracing of our ancestors
  • engage in benevolent, charitable and patriotic activities as member of this great Society.

We encourage you to explore the website and come back often to check out the many items of interest and acquire information. Should you have questions please contact us.

In Bonds of Honor,

Brenda M. Hamilton
President General, 2023-2025